Assembly Hall
The Assembly Hall was opened on 30 October 1958 by Sir Oswald Giles. The building was completed at the same time as the second science block, and both were designed by Frederick Ralph Bozeat, a BGS alumnus. Construction work took place between 1956 and 1958.
The Hall faces onto Rowley Road and, with a stage at one end, is used to host a variety of functions including assemblies, concerts, parents' evenings and exams. A sound system was installed in the early 1980s.
Climbing bars and ropes at the sides of the hall can be deployed to teach gymnastics. There are adjoining changing rooms, showers and storage areas all of which were also opened in 1958. The back (west) wall displays a number of honours boards, including:
- Heads of School since the 1954-55 academic year.
- Names of former headmasters.
- World War I memorial tablet.
The Assembly Hall is also referred to as the 'Main Hall' and in older sources as the 'Hall-Gymnasium'. It should not be confused with the dedicated Sports Hall which was later built adjacent to it in 1976.