Boston Grammar School - A Short History

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Boston Grammar School: A Short History  
Cover of Boston Grammar School: A Short History (1955)
Author(s) Hubert Turpin
Country United Kingdom
Language English
Genre(s) Local history
Publisher Guardian Press, Boston
Publication date 1955, 1966
Media type Paperback
Pages 1955 edition: 19 pages; 1966 edition: 20 pages

1955 marked the 400th anniversary of the granting of the school charter. To help commemorate this quater-centenary, a booklet detailing the school's history was written by Hubert Turpin, a long-serving history teacher at BGS. Entitled Boston Grammar School: A Short History, it was the first attempt to summarise the key events in the school's lifetime - information which had previously been recorded in disparate sources. It was published in 1955, and later updated in 1966.

Floreat Bostona, a more comprehensive history published in 1985, makes reference to this booklet.

1955 edition

The 1955 edition contains the following:

  • A foreword by William Ricketts, the headmaster at the time, dated December 1954.
  • A brief historical summary, beginning with the appointment of Robert of Muston in 1329. It describes prominent events, headmasters and the development of the school buildings.
  • Photographs of Big School and the Quadrangle.
  • A photograph of the school charter.

Each page is replicated below. Page 2 is blank, and therefore deliberately omitted.

1966 edition

The 1966 edition retains most of the original text, and includes some new material. An updated foreword reads as follows:

"In 1955 a short history of Boston Grammar School was written by Hubert Turpin, BA, senior history master from 1927 to 1964, to commemorate the fourth centenary of the granting of a royal charter to the School by Mary Tudor and her husband Philip in 1555. This little booklet proved very popular with Old Boys and with new boys and the edition has long since been sold out. Shortly before he retired in 1964, Mr Turpin brought his history up to date: but his retirement was a very short one for he died a few months later. This second edition, to which only a few words have been added to bring it up to date at the time of publication, will serve not only the purpose for which it was originally intended, but also as a memorial to Hubert Turpin."

W J Ricketts, TD, MA - Headmaster

Boston Grammar School - February 1966

Photograph from the 1966 edition of "Boston Grammar School: A Short History", showing the quadrangle and second science block in the background.
Aerial photograph from the 1966 edition of "Boston Grammar School: A Short History"

On page 11 the photograph of the quadrangle is updated with a similar image (see left). This also captures the second Science Block, which had been opened in 1958.

An aerial photograph of the school replaces the copy of the charter that was originally on page 12 (see right).

Other changes include a redesigned cover and additional text on pages 19 and 20.


On page 18 of both editions, it is incorrectly stated that Thomas Parry died in 1875. In fact, Parry died four years later in 1879. The Parry Gold Medal was instituted in 1875, and that is likely to be the source of confusion.

See Also