Bryan Brooks

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George Brooks
Born c1930
Died 7 April 2020 (aged 90)
Education Boston Grammar School (1939-1944)
Children Carol Breeze

George Bryan Brooks was educated at Boston Grammar School (1939-1944).


Written by his daughter Carol Breeze.

George Bryan Brooks (BGS 1939-1944) died peacefully at home on 7th April after many years of ill health, aged 90.

In 1964 he left Boston for Peterborough but continued to work for PO Telephones (later BT) until his retirement in 1989.

A love of sport continued throughout his life, although in his later years he had to be content with just being a spectator. Bryan maintained that the Old Bostonian football and cricket teams had provided him with some of the most enjoyable times of his life. He captained both the football and cricket teams and was nominated Club Captain in about 1960. It has been fascinating to read the treasured newspaper reports of matches he played in, many over 60 years old now.

Bryan was well known for his sense of humour and fun and was able to continue entertaining visitors who called and the hard working carers, who attended daily, much to their amusement. His wife, Anne, son Christopher and daughters Carol, Lisa and Rachel miss him greatly.